
So, this is my 50th year as a guitar player. That was quick. After a tricky start, where it was pulled offline for 3 weeks, my new album Restless Creature is now back up on your favourite streaming platform - Spotify, AppleMusic, YouTube etc. Or if you like old skool, I have a few copies on CD left for sale here.  

I've also put pen to paper and track by track talked about the songs I recorded, mostly covers, and where/when/how/why, and who with, that they were made.

And when some element of normality returns to our lives (hopefully spring downunder) I'll be embarking on an Australian tour of house concerts. If you'd like to host one get in touch here.

So that's the first 50 years, what about the next? Well, maybe a slower pace but am almost finished mixing the Dead Marines new album - 15 new songs by myself, Bernie Hayes & Bow Campbell. It's only 15 years since the last one. Good things take time.

See youse all on the mean streets (one day soon, fingers crossed)... Brendo June 2020